Latest News
- 2023 Flu Vaccine is available NOW
- Pfizer booster doses available
- Measles outbreak – be alert for more cases in Qld
- Free bone density scan for over 70 years old
- Free ultrasound treatment for pain, sinusitis and promoting tissue healing.
- Free spirometry check for detect Emphysema – any one who is a smoker and over 40 years old
Coronavirus Health Alert
If you have travelled to China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Italy Singapore or South Korea in the last 14 days or you have been with someone who has, and you have a fever >38 degrees, cough, sore throat or difficulty breathing please ring ahead of time to make an appointment letting staff and Doctors […]
Imported coconut products may contain undeclared dairy (milk)
29 October 2015 Significant testing of imported coconut drinks and powders has taken place nationally for the presence of undeclared dairy (milk) and a number have returned with positive detections for the presence of undeclared milk or milk products. Since 23 September 2015 there have been 11 recalls of imported coconut drinks, powders and other […]
Whooping cough vaccine-Adacel is available
QLD Health funded whooping cough vaccine-Adacel is available now. Pregnant women who have not received pertussis-containing vaccine in the last five years and in their third trimester, are eligible for this program.
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak in West Africa
15 August 2014 The largest EVD outbreak ever reported is continuing in West Africa, with cases reported in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Nigeria. In the unlikely event of a case travelling to Australia, the risk of infection to others remains low unless there is direct exposure to the body fluids or secretions of an […]
Measles outbreak – be alert for more cases in Qld
Please disseminate to General Practitioners within one working day Thirty-six cases of measles have been reported in Queensland in 2014, which is almost three times the five year average for year to date. A small number of these cases had no known exposure to measles which suggests unrecognised cases of measles in the community. We […]